Mar 15, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
In the Diocese of Atlanta, ministry innovations are being identified, encouraged, and amplified in a new way. The Diocesan Ministry Innovations Task Force is tightening its focus to helping parishes perceive and imagine new opportunities for ministries within the parish and its surrounding community.
Mar 2, 2023 | For People, News
In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Canon Martini Shaw, 17th Rector of The African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, the congregation founded by Absalom Jones. They discuss Absalom’s story that led to the founding of St. Thomas and how his legacy is lived out today.
Mar 2, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
St. Edward’s Episcopal Church had a gifted property that began requiring more upkeep than the parish could afford, so a creative arrangement has made it possible for the home to become Promise Haven, where families experiencing homelessness can get back on their feet.
Mar 1, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
The life of the first Black Episcopal priest is a blueprint for building an active faith life, Bishop Rob Wright said during the annual Absalom Jones commemoration. The February 19 service, sponsored annually by The Union of Black Episcopalians, was held this year at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Decatur.
Feb 21, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
Before your campaign results are put on the shelf, Diocesan Stewardship Commission member Ginny Heckel urges that your stewardship committee spend some time with your vestry to more fully understand how your campaign performed.
Feb 14, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation is helping a Ukrainian family reunite and find safety from war. The Church is providing housing, transportation and connecting the family to refugee services.
Feb 10, 2023 | For People, News
This episode featres a real conversation focused on how Christians find hope in times when some find none. They take up where the church has a responsibility to respond to community tragedy and name steps to make sure we don’t push comfort over change.
Feb 2, 2023 | For People, News
This episode featres a real conversation focused on how Christians find hope in times when some find none. They take up where the church has a responsibility to respond to community tragedy and name steps to make sure we don’t push comfort over change.
Feb 1, 2023 | Beloved, Featured Stories, News
Marycelis’ story of being known as Beloved is one of leaving her home in Puerto Rico to come to the mainland. And in that time she would face many things including domestic abuse and homelessness. But during that time, Marycelis had faith God would see her through and make a rainbow out of her storm. God did. This is her Beloved story.
Feb 1, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
Bishop Rob Wright on January 28 commissioned lay ministers from 14 parishes. Seven were licensed to serve throughout the Diocese of Atlanta as preachers, worship leaders, eucharistic ministers, eucharistic visitors, and catechists. Seven others were commissioned by Bishop Wright to serve as lay pastoral caregivers in their home parishes.