Mar 31, 2021 | For People, News
In a special March 31, 2021 Breaking News edition of his weekly For People podcast, Episcopal Bishop Rob Wright of Atlanta explores recently enacted changes to Georgia voting laws with Georgia state senator, The Reverend Kim Jackson. Bishop Wright and Senator Jackson,...
Dec 18, 2020 | For People, News
Saint Mary and Christmas with Special Guest Bishop Andy Doyle Mary has a thing or 2 to say about God in her song/poem/rap the Magnificat. In it, Mary talks of a God that topples over conceit and pride. A God that elevates the meek. A God that says the hungry will...
Nov 6, 2020 | For People, News
Imagining the Bible with Special Guest Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams What is it about being a follower of Jesus that lends some to study the bible for their own agenda and others to imagine multiple frameworks? If you really think about it, we use our imagination when we...
Sep 18, 2020 | For People, News
Encountering God in the World with Special Guest Barbara Brown Taylor | Part 2 of 2 What is the image of God we see in our minds and how do we encounter God in this new world we are living in? If we are honest, we might find that we often fit God into a box that works...
Sep 11, 2020 | For People, News
Encountering God in the World with Special Guest Barbara Brown Taylor | Part 1 of 2 What is the image of God we see in our minds and how do we encounter God in this new world we are living in? If we are honest, we might find that we often fit God into a box that works...
Jul 10, 2020 | For People, News
Monuments and Symbols with Special Guest Sheffield Hale Monuments and symbols are currently a point of discussion. A person may bring up why or why they shouldn’t be removed and it quickly gets branded political. Many believe them a part of heritage. As...
Jul 3, 2020 | For People, News
Faith in the Midst of 2 Pandemics with Special Guest Jim Wallis Where do we find health if the soul of the nation is unwell? It only makes it more challenging in the midst of 2 pandemics. One being COVID-19 and the other racism. In this episode of For People, Melissa...