The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Going Wrong

Going Wrong

Jesus’ teachings can sound outrageous! For him, angry words are the same as murder; a lustful heart is the same as committing adultery. Divorce can be legal cover for selfishness and the practice of hiding our true selves beneath fine sounding words is empty and leads...
I Love You

I Love You

When I hear Aretha Franklin sing those words, I hear God speaking to each of us: If you want my lovin’ / If you really do / Don’t be afraid baby Just ask me / Ya know I’m gonna give it to you / Oh and I do declare (I do) I wanna see you with it / Stretch out...


The word Selah appears in the Bible 77 times. It’s also my third child’s name. As far as we know, it’s a musical notation. An instruction to the choir to stop and listen. But it’s more than that. It’s also stop and feel. Really consider. Like in Psalm 3:2-3: “Many say...


Paul made an appeal, that two quarreling factions of Christians would be of “…the same mind and same purpose.” That they would put Christ first. For the sake of the world and the church and so their living and faith might have integrity and be generative. Christ above...


Jesus named Simon “Peter,” which means “rock.” But Peter looks like anything but a rock. He’s not strong like granite or shimmering like gold. Given the evidence, Jesus could have named him “cowardly,” “impetuous” or “dense.” But Jesus knows the violence we do to...


“Beyond the calling of race or nation or creed is this vocation of sonship and brotherhood. Because I believe that the Father is deeply concerned, especially for His suffering and helpless and outcast children, I come tonight to speak for them. This I believe to be...
Everything is Waiting for You

Everything is Waiting for You

Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you were alone. As if life were a progressive and cunning crime with no witness to the tiny hidden transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely, even you, at times, have felt the...
Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

“The Glories of His Righteousness and Wonders of His Love….” Again and again this season, in images and songs, we are charmed by the thought of a dutiful husband, a bold teenage girl and a helpless child as the delivery system for God’s love and power in the...


It was an angel’s explanation to Joseph in a dream that changed everything. His mind was made up. The plan was to quietly disentangle himself from Mary’s unlikely pregnancy story. His plan was painful but practical. But, now comes his own angel encounter. Same...


John spoke his question for Jesus through a prison window. “Is our hope safe with you, Jesus, or should we hope in someone different?” The question is as old as the Bible and as new as today’s sunrise. Jesus answers indirectly by saying, “Blind see; lame walk;...