The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
New Beginnings 41: Lend Me Your Eyes

New Beginnings 41: Lend Me Your Eyes

New Beginnings offers a chance for middle school youth to reflect on the important relationships in their lives and consider what “New Beginnings” they can take on in their own lives. Often, New Beginnings is the first opportunity for a young person to...

United Thank Offering

This Message is about how to process the Blue Boxes and UTO Envelopes gathered at the UTO In gatherings and where to send the funds.Parishes collect the Blue Boxes or UTO Envelopes. The Parish Coordinator or Parish ECW Treasurer count the funds gathered and write one...

Church of the Common Ground Summer Internship

Are you interested in exploring ministry? Do you wish to live out your discipleship on the street? Would you like a summer ‘job’ that is very different from ‘work’?The InternshipFull-time, 10 weeks, $2000 StipendWork with a cohort of young adults (age 18-28)Full...

Campus Ministries Receive Innovation Grants

Campus ministries in Macon and Atlanta are among 21 from across The Episcopal Church selected to receive grants for innovative programs.In Macon, The Episcopal and Lutheran Campus Fellowship, will use its $4,850 grant to connect international and LGBTQ...

Love God, Love Neighbor: Advocacy in Action

Registration is now open for “Love God, Love Neighbor: Advocacy in Action,” a two-day interactive training for clergy and laity interested in developing or improving their advocacy skills and having the opportunity to advocate directly to members of Congress and their...

Holy Trinity Parish in Decatur Provides Interpreters

Interpreters for members of the congregation who are deaf are regularly scheduled for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday services and for other services and events upon request. Interpreters have been provided for  DOK meetings, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter...

Statement on Methodist LGBTQIA+ Vote

On February 26, 2019, a Special Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church meeting in St. Louis adopted a proposal to strengthen the enforcement of prohibitions against gay and lesbian clergy and same-sex marriages. Bishop...