The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Hispanic Youth Event A Huge Hit in Austell

On Saturday, May 18, Spanish-speaking congregations from around the Diocese teamed up to hold a fun event for Hispanic youth in our community. Held at Iglesia del Buen Pastor (Church of the Good Shepherd) in Austell, GA, more than 30 youth participated in the...

Holy Cross celebrates its 65th Anniversary

Holy Cross Episcopal Church at 2005 S. Columbia Place, Decatur, is celebrating its 65th anniversary with a series of events, most of them free, open to the public to showcase what has become one of the most multicultural and multinational congregations in South...

Episcopal Youth Event 2020

Owen Snape, a rising senior from St. Catherine’s Marietta, has been selected to serve on the Planning Team for EYE 2020. EYE, Episcopal Youth Event, is the triennial gathering of Episcopal Youth and Youth Leaders from across the Episcopal Church. No less than...

Something Fresh and Fun in Adult Christian Education

Dr. April Love-Fordham has authored The Disorderly Parable Bible Study Series for use in personal and group study and would love to volunteer her time teaching or speaking at your church or gathering.The Disorderly Parables are not your ordinary Bible studies....

For the wisdom and will to conserve it

By: Kelly AlexanderThe Episcopal Church of the EpiphanyBe kind. Be understanding. Be caring. Be forgiving. Treat your neighbor as yourself. These were some of the messages that I learned in my (Episcopal!) household growing up. No one told me directly, “It’s important...

Inside the Ghana 2019 Pilgrimage

Reflections on Faith & Reconciliation Across Troubled Waters By Alexis Hauk EMBARKING Ever since she was 12 years old, growing up in Guyana, St. Simon’s parishioner Claudette Seales, now 70, dreamed about visiting Ghana – in part because of the murmurings among...