The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Our Hispanic Heritage

NUESTRA HERENCIA HISPANA Recordemos un poco de los comienzos de esta fecha memorable que empezó por celebrarse solamente como un festejo en 1968 y solo por una semana considerando las siguientes fechas: el 15 de septiembre, fecha en la que se celebra la independencia...

Bishop Appoints Bob Farrow as Lay Pastoral Leader

Bob Farrow, AIA, FHFI, MDiv Bob is a member of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Hamilton, GA, where the bishop has appointed him as Lay Pastoral Leader.  He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Candler School of Theology. Bob is a chaplain at Piedmont Fayette...

For People Welcomes Bishop Deon Johnson

“The opposite of faith isn’t doubt – it’s absolute certainty” – Bishop Deon Johnson In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Bishop Deon Johnson, 11th Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. They talk about...

For People Welcomes Jason McGee

A Conversation with Choir Director of Mav City Music Jason McGee Choirs have and will always be an essential part of worship. You can look at a choir and find you in it. – Jason McGee There is a power communicated in a diverse choir that spans everything....

125 Youth Gathered for Worship, Fellowship, and Tubing

Last Saturday, 125 youth from across the Diocese came together for our annual tradition of worship, fellowship, and tubing the Chattahoochee River in Helen, Georgia. Special thanks to our participating parishes for making this day so special.

The Rev. Irma (Mimi) Guerra

The Rev. Irma (Mimi) Guerra has been appointed by Bishop Rob Wright as Hispanic Missioner for the Diocese of Atlanta. As Hispanic Missioner, Rev. Guerra will coordinate all Hispanic ministries in the Diocese. She succeeds The Rev. Canon Isaías A. Rodríguez, who will...

New Campus Missioners

Keith Dumke, The Cathedral of St. Philip’s Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and Hope Westervelt, Director of Youth Ministries of All Saints’ Atlanta, together, will minister to the Episcopal students of Georgia Tech and Georgia State...

Obituary for Randolph S. James, Organist and Choirmaster

Obituary for Randolph Sebastian James June 16, 1961 – July 6, 2022 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, holding a glass of champagne, totally worn out, shouting “Holy...

Circle of Stewardship In-Person Workshop

The Commission on Stewardship for the Diocese of Atlanta invites you to attend Circle of Stewardship, a workshop for clergy and lay stewardship leaders, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, August 20, at the Cathedral of St. Philip (2744 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA...