Apr 27, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
Over two episodes of her podcast, A Brave Space, Dr. Catherine Meeks explores the topic of belonging with special guest, author, and co-host of CBS Sunday Morning, Michelle Miller.
Apr 21, 2023 | For People, News
In this episode, Melissa has a conversation with Bishop Doug Scharf of The Diocese of Southwest Florida. They discuss how he sees the resurrection, what is emerging in Christianity, and what might be emerging with the faithful in the diocese Bishop Scharf serves.
Mar 31, 2023 | Featured Stories, News
The Rev. Canon C. John Thompson-Quartey and The Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham will join Candler in fall 2023, Thompson-Quartey as director of the program and professor in the practice of church leadership, and Higginbotham as assistant professor in the practice of spiritual formation and ministry, arranging and supervising contextual education for Episcopal and Anglican students.
Mar 23, 2023 | In the News
St. Clements Episcopal Church in Canton is celebrating Lent for the thirteenth year in a row with its annual Lenten Fish Fry to raise money to assist local families. The fish fries began on Feb. 24 and runs each Friday night through March 31 by drive-thru only from 5...
Mar 23, 2023 | In the News
The new season of music by the Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus celebrates hope, triumph and rebirth. In keeping with the theme, on March 25 the chorus will present the East Coast premiere of a work titled “Songs of the Pheonix,” first performed by the San Francisco Gay Men’s...
Mar 2, 2023 | For People, News
In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Canon Martini Shaw, 17th Rector of The African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, the congregation founded by Absalom Jones. They discuss Absalom’s story that led to the founding of St. Thomas and how his legacy is lived out today.
Feb 10, 2023 | For People, News
This episode featres a real conversation focused on how Christians find hope in times when some find none. They take up where the church has a responsibility to respond to community tragedy and name steps to make sure we don’t push comfort over change.
Feb 2, 2023 | For People, News
This episode featres a real conversation focused on how Christians find hope in times when some find none. They take up where the church has a responsibility to respond to community tragedy and name steps to make sure we don’t push comfort over change.
Feb 1, 2023 | Beloved, Featured Stories, News
Marycelis’ story of being known as Beloved is one of leaving her home in Puerto Rico to come to the mainland. And in that time she would face many things including domestic abuse and homelessness. But during that time, Marycelis had faith God would see her through and make a rainbow out of her storm. God did. This is her Beloved story.
Jan 26, 2023 | News
St. Andrews Parish has dedicated and placed six “Little Free Libraries” throughout their community, and it’s opening doors and special opportunities to reach out to neighbors, especially children.