The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

After Words

After Jesus spoke he acted. There’s no idleness to his speech. His prayers climaxed with action not amen. This is what we celebrate on the Friday we call Good. His blood sacrifice makes this Friday more memorable than any other Friday, nothing else. Intimacy with God...


Palm Sunday makes me feel ridiculous! But, I continue with this absurdity because ridiculous is the point! This silly parade is meant to question all the other ridiculousness of our lives, culture and world. That was Jesus’ original intention – to show us that...


God knows precisely the length of time it takes to make a redwood, or a universe, or a soul. And, God knows how long it takes to make God’s glory shine so we can see it – and know we’ve seen it. Jesus didn’t rush frantically to Lazarus’ sick...


Mud and spit caused a man to see. That’s the story. Dirt and spit! Yuck! It’s not hard for me to believe that disgusting things can make miracles. I’ve seen babies born. Seen pain become joy. Watched a cancer diagnosis make marriage vows come alive....


In a city called “falsehood,” Jesus speaks truth. At a deep well, water and truth are both drawn up. Truth and well water both have to be coaxed above ground. Because, truth can live under the ground of fearful convenience and polite euphemisms forever. At...


You can talk about God, Jesus says, without actually seeing God’s movement. That’s sad. The word “movement” is the best translation of the word “kingdom” in scripture. Movement, like the way Jesus described Spirit. A wind blowing. A wind...


It’s so appealing, temptation. It searches us. It appeals to our secret wants. Our fears. We succumb. Slightly, then chronically. Knowingly or naively. We fall. Sometimes falling gives birth to wisdom, humility and new devotion. Sometimes it just makes more falling....


Dust comes from lack of use or dust can come from construction. You will have to decide this ASH Wednesday what the dust on your forehead means. The dust that accumulates from lack of use is a symbol of a sentimental or vintage faith. It’s a memorial to...


Church is necessary! It’s a place we can “…name our masters and confess our servitude.” A place to tell the truth, that we are idol worshippers – the whole lot of us. A place to cough up our asphyxiating indifference toward the suffering of...


“An eye for an eye” is what Jesus grew up hearing. Somewhere along his life, it changed. Somehow he began rejecting “eye for eye” logic for this: “Turn your cheek. Go the extra mile. Love enemy.” Could be, Jesus’ shift came...