The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Yes, Good Friday is about Jesus. Yes, Good Friday is a paradigm: death does not get the last word. But, Good Friday is about something else. Good Friday is about our part in the mess. The same people who sang “Hosanna” later shouted “crucify him.” The one who ate with...


“…despite the increasing complexity and velocity of modern life, we refuse to allow the corresponding bewilderment to drive us to the blasphemy of self sufficiency or rank tribalism.  You and I have been given and have accepted the high calling of...


Jesus understood soul trouble. In the midst of his trouble he didn’t pray for relief or to be saved. Amazing! He moved through his troubles with out-loud faith. Faith that caused others to believe. Trouble is the anvil where souls are forged and shaped; the soil...

God’s Friendship

“When you’re weary, feeling small. When tears are in your eyes, I’ll dry them all. I’m on your side, when times get rough. And friends just can’t be found. Like a bridge over troubled water. When you’re down and out–When you’re on...


Imagine you are standing in the temple when Jesus turns over the tables. Are you the merchanttrying to feed his family? The worshipper trying to comply with tradition? A cheering fan ofJesus’ behavior? This year let’s be the table. The table gets turned! The table...


Is being born into a faith tradition enough? No! Sure, being a part of a family with faith is important. Sure, we learn from our tradition the meaning of faith. Still, ultimately, faith is about fidelity—he regular demonstration of loyalty. The action-ing of our lives...

Hearts: A message for Ash Wednesday

Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday should fall on the same day every year! After all, both are about the heart. Valentine’s Day gives us an occasion to show our heart to others. And, Ash Wednesday inaugurates a season to examine our hearts. Since we challenge ourselves...


The air is not where God lives. God is rooted in the world. Rooted in us and in all creation. Present in our challenges. Some want an “air” God. Having the properties of vapor. Ethereal. Vapid. An idea that caresses the imagination but demands nothing. Has no body. We...


Did you know that the Greek word for “synagogue” means, “together-lead”? It doesn’t say Priest or Clergy lead. Ecclesia is the word we use in our Christian parlance. It means the summoned. The convened and commissioned. A network of people around, with and for Jesus....


What ails us as a human family is a deep commitment to love. Dr. King told us “…hate is too great a burden to bear…” He might notice today that it’s love which seems too great a weight for us. Shrinking back from love we choose knowledge. But remember,...