The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


After my years in the Navy but before I finished college, I finally got it! I always believed. I was sure there was a God. I saw God in the sea and in the face of strangers. I understood that this God loved us so much that he chose to come to live with us as Jesus of...


What we call power some call foolishness. Jesus’ cross points back to the particular crucifixion of a particular man, and simultaneously points us forward through our pain, doubt and death into life. It’s a paradox. An intense movie with a twist ending....

One Word

Men and women, throughout the millennia, have invited us to unity with God. A God ceaselessly offering himself/herself to us. Despite our consistent rejection. God, relentlessly calling to our attention that we already have all the grace we need. When did we get this...


The church proclaims that “Christ is King.” King of what? One answer is king of plans. “I know the plans I have for you,” God said to Jeremiah. “Plans for your welfare, not for your harm. Plans with a future with hope.” Whose plan...


He lost all his wealth. His children were murdered. His marriage was broken. His friends were enemies. In a desolate season of life Job said, “I know my Redeemer lives….” It would have been easier for him to say: “I’m suffering. All I know is...


Jacob slept and dreamed. He saw angels ascending and descending. Earth and heaven connected. We in Georgia come from a long line of dreamers. Oglethorpe dreamed of a Georgia with no slavery and no religious bigotry. Dr. King dreamed of an America with prosperity for...

For the Lost

I was born in a foundling home. (That’s Catholic Church speak for orphanage.) That may be why I think a lot about Jesus’ three stories of being lost and found: a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost man. Each story tells of a God that risks all, won’t...

To bring fire

To bring fire is Jesus’ purpose statement in Luke 12:49. Purpose guides like the bright North Star in a black sky. Our purpose is uniquely ours. It’s our mature decision and commitment. It doesn’t come from parents or preachers. Purpose anchors us...

How to be Christian with other faiths

How are we to be–in a climate of relativism, amongst the spiritual–with nonbelievers and with believers of every stripe? St. Paul says, “Live a life worthy of your calling” (Ephesians 4:1).God has met us through baptism into Jesus’ life, death and...

Sleeper, awake!

It’s easy to sleepwalk through life, school, marriage, work and retirement. This kind of life sleep is so insidious we can be asleep to the fact that we’re asleep! We would go on sleeping if pain or calamity didn’t shake us and wake us.Paul woke up...