The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Politics, Peace and Justice.

Politics, Peace and Justice.

To speak out against injustice these days is to be labeled as being “political and divisive.” But those seeking to dismiss justice seekers with these labels don’t know just how accurate they are! Jesus was also condemned for being political and divisive. He was...


Life expectancy depends greatly on your neighborhood and income. High-income people can expect to live 10 to 20 years longer than lower-income people. If you live in the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta, you can expect to live to upwards of 87 years of age while in...


The Holy Spirit showed up dramatically we’re told. There was fire, and speaking of tongues. This whirlwind connected people across their divisions, if only briefly. Some responded with a question, “what does this mean?” Some responded with an answer, “they’re drunk.”...
At the Zero

At the Zero

Amos Wilder wrote, “be instructed at the null point, the zero breeds new algebra.” Wilder was commending the very nature of God. When things come down to the zero, when there’s suffering and “fiery ordeals” as St. Peter would say, if we can linger long enough nurtured...


Think in terms of readiness and response when it comes to following Jesus. St. Peter certainly does. Here is St. Peter’s checklist: “Be eager to do what is right though it may cause you trouble. Sanctify Christ as Lord.” Don’t just believe in him, set him apart, make...
A World House

A World House

Jesus said, “in my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” In the face of grief and loss, Jesus does an amazing thing, He chooses to grow, reach and include rather than, shrink, be small and afraid. He chooses to see that we’re all siblings and that God is a...


“It is true to say that we stand at an intersection of life and livelihood; of fear and of faith. So then it is right for us to lead the state of Georgia in humbling ourselves and reaching out to God in prayer. But, while we know prayer is necessary, we also...
Thank You

Thank You

It was his grandmother’s faith and hands that inspired him, he said. Probably his salt of the earth upbringing in Slab Fork West, Virginia too. Whatever it was, I thank God for his soulful poetry that sang Jesus’ vision of neighborliness into our souls. His words sure...


“And so, we are fortunate this year to proclaim an Easter that stands on the shoulders of two thousand Easters. Knowing that each Easter past was a defiant response to the two thousand years of Good Fridays we’ve suffered. Each Easter supplied by the inexhaustible...


Good Friday is about God deciding to be God in a very particular way. God doesn’t use God’s Almighty-ness to rescue Jesus from fearful clergy, betraying friends, cruel soldiers or even the lynching tree. Rather than rescue and spare, God more often shows up in...