The Wright House
Students have begun moving into the Wright House, a new space for UGA students to live, study, and pray. The Wright House occupies the former site of Episcopal Center and chapel in the heart of the University of Georgia campus at the corner of University Court and South Lumpkin Street.
The purpose of the Wright House is to provide a live, study, pray environment for students and space to foster intentional living. For Episcopalians, this includes an on-site Chaplain, chapel, and programs. All students living at the Wright House are welcome to participate in programs offered by the Episcopal Center.
Apply for Financial Assistance
To apply for financial assistance toward residence at the Wright House in the academic year 2023-2024, please fill out the application found at the this link:

The new building is named the Wright House in honor of Bishop Wright, for his steadfast support for children, youth, and college ministries.
This is an amazing project and a new concept for college ministry… I am humbled that it bears my name.
– Bishop Wright at the April 23, 2021 Groundbreaking
Wright House Foundation
The core purpose of the Wright House Foundation is to provide financial assistance to underserved and marginalized students who need housing so that they are able to live in the Wright House.
Residences are now available for lease for occupancy in August 2022. CollegeTown Properties is leasing and managing the community. Leasing inquiries are available here.