The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Wonderful Days of Winter “Catch the Cow” Mini-Mile

St. James Episcopal Church 161 Church Street, Marietta, GA, United States

By supporting this charming event, you can help the Wonderful Days Preschool continue its 50+ years mission to prepare children of struggling families for school. The children chase a Chik-fil-a Cow, with help from Marietta Police. St. James members and clergy are there, too.

Spiritual Retreat with Author Carl McColman

St. James Episcopal Church 161 Church Street, Marietta, GA, United States

Drawing on his published guide to contemplative spirituality, Carl McColman will present wisdom of the mystics, including Julian of Norwich, Evelyn Underhill, Howard Thurman, and the author of The Cloud of Unknowing.

15th Annual Flower Festival

St. James Episcopal Church 161 Church Street, Marietta, GA, United States

“All Things Bright and Beautiful” Flower Festival at St. James Episcopal Church, Clayton GA. June 23 rd and 24th from 9:30 am until 4:00 pm. Demonstrations Friday and Saturday morning at 10:30 am. Judy Cathey will be our demonstration guest on Friday morning. Judy worked as a mental health therapist in eastern Virginia and is […]