The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Monteverdi Vespers (Night One)

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

This very special collaboration between the Cathedral of St. Philip and the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, may well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Atlantans to hear Monteverdi’s Vespers performed live by virtuoso soloists, multiple choirs, and expert period instrumentalists in acoustical and aesthetic surroundings similar to those for which it was written. Come and be swept […]

Monteverdi Vespers (Night Two)

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

This very special collaboration between the Cathedral of St. Philip and the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, may well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Atlantans to hear Monteverdi’s Vespers performed live by virtuoso soloists, multiple choirs, and expert period instrumentalists in acoustical and aesthetic surroundings similar to those for which it was written. Come and be swept […]

Choir of St. John’s College Cambridge

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

The return to the United States of one of the most celebrated choirs of men and boys in the world – for the first time since adding girls to the top line – will move and delight listeners! At home in the University of Cambridge, the choir sings six Evensongs and a full Choral Eucharist […]

Meditation on the Passion of Christ, with Carols, Cathedral Schola

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

4:00 p.m. Meditation on the Passion of Christ, with Carols, Cathedral Schola One of the most moving choral services of the year, this meditation employs lessons & carols, spirituals, anthems, motets, and congregational hymns to illuminate the Passion of Christ, which is retold using biblical narratives from Mark, Matthew, and John, sung to some of […]

Renewal of Vows

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

Clergy and lay leaders of our diocese are invited to The Renewal of Vows on April 15 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at The Cathedral of St. Philip.

Diocesan Confirmation

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

If you are bringing a group to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed at Diocesan Confirmation, please email Sally Ulrey with the number being confirmed, the number being received, and the number being reaffirmed.

Ordination to the Priesthood

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

By the grace of God, The Right Reverend Robert Christopher Wright, The Bishop of Atlanta, will ordain candidates to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on the Twenty-Second day of June two-thousand and twenty-four, at two o’clock in the afternoon at The Cathedral of St. Philip.

The Overnight @ the 119th Annual Council

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

Every year, Episcopalians in the Diocese of Atlanta gather to take care of official business at the Diocesan Annual Council, and we have a lock-in and four square tournament on Friday night for all middle and high school youth. We lead worship for the Diocese on Saturday and then lead everyone in a service project […]

Diocesan Confirmation

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

If you are bringing a group to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed at Diocesan Confirmation, please email Sally Ulrey with the number being confirmed, the number being received, and the number being reaffirmed.