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News from Day1: Kirkpatrick to Preach

by | Oct 4, 2019

The Rev. Nathan Kirkpatrick, managing director of Leadership Education at Duke University Divinity School and head of Alban at Duke in Durham, N.C., will be the featured preacher on “Day 1” Nov. 3.  Kirkpatrick’s sermon “We Are All God’s Children Now,” is drawn from Luke 16:20-31, a portion of the Sermon on the Plain that begins with the “Beatitudes” and ends with the “Golden Rule.” Commenting on the use of the word saint to describe everyday people, he says, “The complexity of their lives helps us to nuance what we mean by saint. We do not mean the perfect. We do not mean the heroic. We do not mean just the self-sacrificing or the extraordinary.”

In addition to his roles at Duke Divinity School, Kirkpatrick is an associate priest at the Episcopal Church of the Advocate in Chapel Hill, NC. He has preached and taught in churches around the U.S. and on three continents. Raised in the mountains of North Carolina, Kirkpatrick graduated from Wake Forest University and Duke Divinity School.

Hosted by Peter Wallace “Day 1” is a nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program that has broadcast every week for over 74 years. Formerly known as “The Protestant Hour” this program features outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, and is currently distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas. The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media, based in Atlanta.

Access this program online at and via podcast. For more information contact Peter Wallace, 404-815-0258, or Ethel Ware Carter, 404-418-6770,