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An invitation to ‘Take the Pledge’ and care for God’s creation 1,000 pledges sought by Earth Day, April 22

by | Mar 5, 2019

Episcopalians and friends concerned about all of God’s creation are invited to join Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in pledging to take action to protect and renew God’s world and all who call it home. The goal is to gather at least 1,000 pledges with concrete, personal commitments by Earth Day, April 22.
Building from the Episcopal Vision for Care of Creation statement developed by the Presiding Bishop’s Office and the Advisory Council on Stewardship of Creation for the 79th General Convention, this pledge, and the accompanying Reflection Guide, is a tangible and practical way to show love for God’s world.
“We hope people understand this is more than adding your signature to a petition,” said the Rev. Melanie Mullen, director of reconciliation, justice and creation care. “Pray with the pledge and the Reflection Guide during Lent. Think about what you love in God’s Creation, where your heart breaks over environmental injustice, and how you’d like to simplify your life – consume less, share more.”
The three overarching elements of both the vision and the pledge: loving, liberating, and life-giving, arise directly from understanding ourselves as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement and as people who live the Way of Love:
     We long to grow loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God’s Creation. In this
     urgent moment, we pledge to protect and renew this good Earth and all who call it home.
     Together, we commit to specific actions, trusting we can do more as a body than any person
     could alone.
          LOVING: We will share our stories of love and concern for the Earth and link with others
          who care about protecting the sacred web of life.
          LIBERATING: We will stand with those most vulnerable to the harmful effects of
          environmental degradation and climate change – women, children, poor people and
          communities of color, refugees, migrants.
          LIFE-GIVING: We will change our habits and choices in order to live more simply, humbly
          and gently on the Earth.
The accompanying Reflection Guide was created in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of California and includes meditations, prayers, scripture and action steps related to each element of the Pledge. The same diocese is launching a related creation care opportunity: a Carbon Tracker that helps individuals, congregations and entire dioceses to assess and reduce energy use and climate impact. Discover more about the tracker and other resources at
“This isn’t a new curriculum you need to jam into an already busy Lent,” said Amy Cook, head of the Episcopal Diocese of California’s faith formation working group. “For lots of us, Lent is naturally a time for reflection and simplicity. We hope the pledge and the reflection process around it will lead people to deep discernment and commitment to new life this Easter and beyond.”