The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

United Thank Offering

by | Feb 27, 2019

It is time to Express our thanks in the various ways our parishes choose.  The Blue Box was created to remind us to give thanks daily and for all things.  A Blue Box placed anywhere can serve as a visual reminder to offer blessings large and small.  It represents the heart of the United Thank Offering ministry and is a pathway between our prayers and the mission of The Episcopal Church.  It is a symbol that allows us, during the week, to be linked to our Christian way of praying, recognizing that blessings come from God and being present to JESUS in the world by helping others in need.

Many parishes use the Blue Boxes as the old fashioned “Mite Boxes” during Lent.  The Parish coordinators distribute the boxes at the churches.  They may put short articles taken from information in the “ Handbook for Diocesan and Parish Coordinators/Organizers” found on the UTO website, in Sunday bulletins or monthly newsletters.  The UTO Envelopes may be used for checks from parish members made out to United Thank Offering. You may have a second ingathering in the fall or just one in the spring.  I will address the ingatherings in my next message.    

I , Joy Boyden, am United Thank Offering Diocesan Representative for the Diocese of Atlanta.  If you have questions on the use of the boxes or envelopes, you may reach me at