The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Go! Summit: Racial Healing in a Changing World

by | Feb 27, 2019

The Global Missions’ annual Go! Summit on February 16 explored racial reconciliation and healing on a local and global level. Held at the Cathedral of St. Philip, this one-day event featured speakers, panel discussions, and breakout sessions, using the companion relationship between the Diocese of Atlanta and the Diocese of Cape Coast Ghana as a lens through which we can explore how to address our past and embrace our future.

We welcomed special guests including our keynote speaker The Rev. Raphael G. Warnock and our very own Bishop Wright. The Rev. Raphael Warnock is nationally known, having been invited to speak at the Obama White House, among other honors. Bishop Wright engaged in conversation with our special guest regarding his vision for racial healing and reconciliation within our own Diocese, and how our relationship with Cape Coast Ghana may play a part in that vision.