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Churchwide Bible Reading Initiative Begins in Epiphany 2019

by | Jan 8, 2019

As we prepare to celebrate the season of Epiphany, Forward Movement, along with partners from across the Episcopal Church, invites all Episcopalians to participate in the Good Book Club. A church-wide Bible reading initiative, the Good Book Club will focus on Paul’s Letter to the Romans, with participants reading a section of scripture each day during the Epiphany season, starting on January 7, 2019.

“During Epiphany, we recall how Jesus is revealed to the world,” said Richelle Thompson, deputy director and managing editor of Forward Movement. “Paul’s letter to the Romans offers a way to explore the messages of grace, salvation, and redemption through Jesus Christ. This season between Christmas and Lent is a perfect time to engage deeply with God’s Word and experience it anew.”

During Lent and Easter of 2018, tens of thousands of Episcopalians participated in the first Good Book Club, reading the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Survey results from participants showed a hunger and desire to continue the initiative and provide more opportunities for people to read and discuss scripture together. Romans was the first choice of participants for the next Good Book Club.

Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry supports and encourages individuals and congregations to join the Good Book Club as a way to engage in “Learn,” one of the seven Way of Love practices for a Jesus-centered life.

Several organizations are partnering with Forward Movement in the Good Book Club, including the United Thank Offering, Forma, Gathering of Leaders, and The Living Church. Partner organizations are creating resources or encouraging their constituents to take part in the effort.

ChurchNext, a ministry of Forward Movement, will offer an eight-week live Bible study led by the Rev. Jay Sidebotham, author of Conversations with Scripture: Romans and director of RenewalWorks.

The Good Book Club website lists the daily readings and partners, as well as resources to support people as they read the scriptures. Spanish resources and information are available at Send stories of how you and/or your church are participating to Richelle Thompson at

Forward Movement is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. With offices in Cincinnati, Ohio, Forward Movement offers online resources, digital products, books, pamphlets, and Forward Day by Day. Learn more at

For more information, contact Richelle Thompson at or 513-721-6659, ext. 315.