The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Diocesan Pride Events 2018

by | Sep 5, 2018

The LGBTQ+ community in Atlanta observes Pride activities in October of each year. This year Pride Weekend is October 13 and 14, 2018. This observance provides us, as part of the Jesus Movement, the opportunity to reach out to those who have suffered at the hands of organized religion. We have a chance to try and literally redeem the church to so many who need a place to reconnect with a faith community and do so just as they are. The Diocese of Atlanta is known as a welcoming community to LGBTQ+ folks and is an official sponsor of Pride. Please join us in this ministry. You are welcome regardless of your race, age, gender, gender identity/expression, marital status, sexual orientation, economic status, or any of the factors that often divide us.

As a prelude to the weekend’s activities, Integrity Atlanta will host its 30th Annual Pride Eucharist on Thursday, October 11, 2018. The Eucharist will take place at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308 and will begin at 7:30 pm. The preacher for the service is the Reverend Dr. Horace Griffin, Associate Priest, St. Luke’s, Atlanta. The celebrant is the Reverend Kimberly Jackson, Associate Rector, All Saints’, Atlanta. We will also welcome the musical talents of Trey Clegg and the Trey Clegg Singers to lead music for the service. All truly are welcome!

Sign up to help staff the Diocese of Atlanta information booth at the Pride Festival in Piedmont Park on Saturday, October 13 and Sunday, October 14 by going to this link: . Meet people and tell them about The Episcopal Church’s welcome of them whoever they are and wherever they are on their journey. Help us draw the circle wider.

The Diocese of Atlanta will have a float and a walking contingent in the Pride Parade on Sunday, October 14. Sign up to carry a parish sign in the parade by going to this link: Pride Parade is one of the largest parades in the city. The Episcopal Church always gets a very warm and rousing reception from the crowd. They also appreciate the handouts (aka beads) we give them as well. The parade begins at noon and steps off from the Civic Center MARTA Station about two blocks south of All Saints’ Episcopal Church. Carry a parish sign or just come walk with us!