The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Hurricane Relief Fund

by | Sep 19, 2018

Episcopal Relief and Development is busy mobilizing resources and responding to our neighboring dioceses in the Carolinas that have been affected by Hurricane Florence. Your donation to their Hurricane Relief Fund ensures that essential items like food, water, and emergency supplies get to those in need right away.

Episcopal Relief & Development works with partners to provide critical support for the most vulnerable communities affected by Hurricane Florence. Through a partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina and the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, the organization provides emergency assistance to migrant and seasonal farmworkers including water, food, cleaning supplies, hygiene kits, clothing and transportation to safe locations in two counties in eastern North Carolina.

Please continue to pray for those impacted by Hurricane Florence. Donations to the Hurricane Relief Fund will help Episcopal Relief & Development respond to this crisis.