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New Campus Missioners of the Diocese of Atlanta

by | Aug 15, 2018

Campus Missioner for Macon Colleges | Dena Douglas Hobbs

Dena Douglas Hobbs was born and raised in the Macon area. She was active in campus ministry during her years at UGA and has continued to support campus ministry throughout her life. After serving as United Methodist clergy for six years, she left parish life to raise her two children and move back to the Middle Georgia area. Dena became an Episcopal layperson ten years ago and is an active member of St Francis Episcopal in Macon. She is excited to begin this new ministry with Episcopal and Lutheran students at the Macon Colleges. She also blogs at

Campus Missioner at the University of Georgia | Clayton Harrington

Before moving to Atlanta in August of 2014, Clayton earned a BA in History and Religion from Campbell University in North Carolina (May 2014). He is a graduate of Candler School of Theology, having earned a Master of Divinity with a Certificate in Episcopal Studies (May 2017).

Clayton formerly was Program Coordinator for Youth Ministry at the Cathedral of St. Philip, from June 2017 to June 2018. He was also the Seminarian of the Cathedral from August 2015 to May 2017. There he served in various ways, including assisting in worship, pastoral care, and Christian education.

Clayton is excited about the potential of Christian community, worship, and service to empower young adults of UGA to continue to grow into the people that God has made them to be. In Athens, he is also the Rector’s Associate for Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Emmanuel Episcopal Church.

Clayton also is an aspirant in the process of discernment for ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Atlanta.