The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Diocese of Atlanta represented in “The Jesus Movement” ECVA Art Exhibition

by | May 14, 2018

Art Exhibition: “The Jesus Movement: Loving, Liberating, Life-Giving” 

This national online exhibition of 40 artworks at Episcopal Church & Visual Arts (ECVA) includes a painting by Catherine Jo Morgan, member of Grace-Calvary in Clarkesville. She is the sole artist representing the Diocese of Atlanta in this exhibition, whose timing and theme coordinate with General Convention 2018. The curators are Frank and Victoria Logue, of the Diocese of Georgia. You can view a digital image of Cathy’s heart painting, “Anam Cara,” at

The entire exhibition is on view at, and several previous exhibitions may also be viewed at this website, along with a directory of artist members. Membership in ECVA is open to all Episcopal visual artists, and the call for the Fall 2018 exhibition will soon be announced. More paintings in Morgan’s new “Anam Cara” series can also be viewed, at