The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Diocese of Atlanta Communications Honored by Religious Communication Organizations

by | May 16, 2018

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta is honored to have received awards for communication, marketing, and design again this year by both the Episcopal Communicators and the Religion Communicators Council. 

“These awards indicate we are on the right track in how we communicate the key message of our purpose statement:  ‘We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus…’ Through multiple channels and media, we seek to engage those within and outside our membership,“ Canon Bonnie Burgess said.

Held at Kanuga in North Carolina in April, Episcopal Communicators presented our diocese with ten Polly Bond Awards, including two awards of excellence. Marketing for the Absalom Jones Center received two, and Pathways magazine received three awards. 

The communication efforts for the diocese, such as the new design of Pathways magazine, videos, social media, and web presence are managed by Green Gate Marketing. The socially conscious Atlanta-based agency has partnered with the diocese since 2016 and serves as the diocesan design and communications team. Green Gate Marketing founder and CEO, Katherine Branch, traveled to Kanuga to receive these awards from Episcopal Communicators for work done on behalf of the diocese.

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta and Green Gate Marketing were also recognized by the Religious Communicators Council (RCC) at its annual convention, which was held April 5-7 in Atlanta. Pathways magazine earned six awards, including two Best of Class.

“We are humbled and honored to have received these awards from two such reputable organizations, and even more, we are grateful to work on projects like these which, at their core, are about sharing love, kindness, and inspiration,” said Katherine Branch.