The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Episcopal Asset Map: New Look and Enhanced Powers

by | Apr 23, 2018

Episcopal Relief and Development has launched a new, improved version of the Asset Map. In addition to collecting information about worshiping communities, schools and ministries of The Episcopal Church, site enhancements empower Episcopalians to better share information about their communities. Anyone can add information to the site, but once added information goes through an approval process before it’s published. The site collects information and stories (videos and news/blogs) about Episcopal Communities organized around Dioceses and Networks. Go here to check out the map:

All churches, ministries and schools in the Diocese of Atlanta are listed. Please check your listing at:  Make sure that the name, address, services and general information is current and add information about any unlisted resources you may have. 

There are several reasons why this is a valuable tool.

During Disasters
With disaster preparedness and resources listed and up-to-date, it is easy to locate what’s needed to help others.

Reaching Out
The site’s robust search engine optimization makes it come up high in Google’s rankings for those who are searching for a church, ministry or school. 

Sharing Information
See what other churches, ministries and schools are doing and be sure to share yours!

If you need any assistance with updates or access to the site, please feel free to reach out to Diocesan Asset Map Coordinator Don Plummer,