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Bishop Wright joined “Closer Look” to discuss the Death Penalty

by | Mar 30, 2018

 Credit Emilia Brock/WABE

Credit Emilia Brock/WABE

Bishop Robert Wright joined WABE’s “Closer Look” to discuss the Death Penalty with Rose Scott. Fast forward to 39:58 to hear them discuss the new book Bishop Wright co-authored “A Case For Life.” Bishop Wright also shared his stories about his time ministering in Georgia prisons. 

You can also listen to the audio recording on WABE’s website

A Case for Life: Justice, Mercy, and the Death Penalty
Within the new book five authors make compelling arguments against the death penalty from their perspectives. Their personal experiences with both victims and perpetrators provide a moral case for ending state-sponsored killing.

The book’s contributors:

  • The Rt.Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
  • Stephen B. Bright, Attorney at Law, Southern Center for Human Rights
  • Susan Casey, Attorney at Law, Appeals Attorney for Kelly Gissendaner
  • The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas
  • Justice Norman S. Fletcher, Retired Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia

Purchase Online or at the Cathedral Bookstore (directions).