The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

A worshipping community without walls

by | Mar 21, 2018

We seek to walk in God’s love and to be a living witness of love and compassion to others. Church of the Common Ground is a church community on the streets of Atlanta just like any other church— except without a building. Through a cup of coffee and fellowship, they change lives every day. Support Church of the Common ground by providing supplies or donating today.

If you are able to donate supplies, some ongoing needs include:

  • New, white crew socks for our Common Soles Foot Clinic; toe nail fungicide; nail files (wide/large)
  • Coffee (ground); 1 lb. bags of sugar; creamer (powdered); coffee stirrers, paper coffee cups
  • Individual water flavor packets (for a single serving water bottle)
  • Gift cards to McDonald’s, Subway, Starbucks, or Kroger
  • MARTA cards (single ride or loaded with $5-$10)
  • Non-perishable grape juice (16 oz. or less)
  • Altar linens (please consult

Please contact (404) 873-7667 or to make a donation to the Church of the Common Ground.