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“Love God, Love Neighbor”

by | Mar 17, 2018

Registration is now open for “Love God, Love Neighbor”, a three-day training course for clergy and laity that is designed to equip Episcopalians to be advocates, allies, and ambassadors for refugees and the ministry of refugee resettlement.

Sponsored by Episcopal Migration Ministries, “Love God, Love Neighbor” will be held Wednesday – Friday, May 2-4 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA.

“The gathering will bring together lay and clergy leaders from across the Episcopal Church, as well as from ecumenical and other partners, to learn from one another as we explore different local contexts as they relate to refugee resettlement and the work of welcome,” noted the Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson, Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries.

The training provides an in-depth exploration of the global displacement crisis, the United States refugee policy, how refugee resettlement works, faith-based advocacy for refugees, and organizing to welcome and support refugees in your home community.