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Interfaith Death Penalty Discussion and Book Signing

by | Feb 15, 2018

  When   Thursday, February 15  6–9 p.m.      Where   Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church   805 Mount Vernon Highway   Atlanta, GA 30327

When Thursday, February 15 6–9 p.m.   Where Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church 805 Mount Vernon Highway Atlanta, GA 30327

Although it’s been nearly three years since a Georgia defendant was sentenced to death, our state executed more prisoners in 2016 than any other state in the nation. — Georgia Department of Corrections; the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; the Death Penalty Information Center

We must ask ourselves to do what is right even when it is difficult. Because we are challenged to love like Jesus. Join Bishop Wright and special guests on February 15  for a discussion with faith leaders, lawyers, and a supreme court justice on the need to end the death penalty. 

During this discussion, Sister Helen Prejean, author of the international best-selling book, Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty, will provide her perspective from the front lines advocating for the abolition of the death penalty since 1981. The Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta, will also speak on how Catholics are opposing the death penalty. 

Book signing of A Case for Life: Justice, Mercy, and the Death Penalty to follow.