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ECF Grants Small Acts of Charity Grants for First Quarter of 2018

by | Feb 7, 2018

The Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) announces two Small Acts of Charity grants to Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit (Cumming) and Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Metro Atlanta, Inc. in partnership with St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church (Smyrna).

“This quarter each of our Small Acts of Charity support strong parish-based ministry efforts that have been active for many years,” said Lindsey Hardegree, Executive Director for ECF. “Our financial assistance is able to stretch far due to the long-term dedication of Episcopalians in each of these parishes who have carefully stewarded their resources and relationships to make a difference with the poor and oppressed in their communities.”

ECF’s Q1 Small Acts of Charity 2018 recipients:

  • Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit will receive a grant of $4,990 to support Wendy’s Place Pantry Ministry, which provides non-food items to members of the community who are on a fixed income, have no or reduced employment, or other financial limitations. This effort not only helps maintain the dignity of daily life by providing toilet paper, toothpaste, and other basic necessities that are not covered by food assistance programs, but also creates a robust service opportunity for the Church of the Holy Spirit community.
  • Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Metro Atlanta, in partnership with St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church (Smyrna), has been offered a $5,000 challenge grant to support the house that will be built by the Cobb Interfaith Habitat Coalition (CIHC). With rising costs for building materials and land, ECF will match any new funds raised towards this build by March 31, 2018 (up to $5,000). ECF hopes that this incentive will encourage others in the community to support the increased expenses for St. Catherine’s build.

About ECF’s Grant Programs:
ECF awards General Grants twice a year and Small Acts of Charity (capped at $5,000) quarterly. Applications for the Q2 Small Acts of Charity are due March 15, 2018, and General Grant Letters of Intent for Fall 2018 are due March 31, 2018. Those interested in applying for funding should visit for information regarding both funding opportunities as well as links to the applications. Applicants are encouraged to contact Lindsey Hardegree with any questions they may have regarding eligibility or their applications.