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Bishop Wright’s J-Term Course at Candler School of Theology

by | Dec 19, 2018

Bishop Wright will be teaching his annual Epiphany Class Jan 2, 3 and 4th at Candler School of Theology at Emory University.

The course will define and commend experimentation as a core competency and essential component of effective leadership and discipleship toward individual, institutional and societal change, using the practices of the Apostle Paul as a theological reference point and inspiration. Participants will be introduced to the concept of adaptive leadership as taught by Ronald Heifetz, as well as the work of Amanda Cebula and Ed O’Malley.

Continental breakfast, lunch and book will be provided. The cost is $310. Candler and the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta have partnered to offer scholarships to Episcopal lay leaders and clergy who wish to audit the course. Scholarship recipients will pay $160 for the course rather than the regular auditor tuition of $310. Those interested in the scholarship should contact The Rev. Canon P. Lang Lowrey, director of Episcopal Studies at Candler, at