The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


by | Nov 30, 2018

“To challenge as Jesus challenged, we must begin the journey that puts us in the world without the blinders of contempt or blinding assumptions that flourish because of lack of real proximity. Think about it, it seems right that Paul was struck blind and delivered to the home of the people he was brutalizing, in the book of Acts, before his sight was restored and his new life of love began. To do better we’ve got to see better. This notion is woven into our Baptismal Covenant. We say that we will ‘respect the dignity of every human being.’ Remember that the Latin root of the word re-spect is to ‘spectare’, to see. Or to see again.”

From Bishop Wright’s Council Address.



“Para desafiar como Jesús desafió, debemos comenzar el viaje que nos coloca en el mundo sin la ceguera del desprecio o de suposiciones ciegas que surgen debido a la falta de proximidad real. Piénsenlo, parece correcto que Pablo quedara ciego y entregado a la casa de las personas que estaba maltratando, en el libro de Hechos, antes que su vista fuera restaurada y su nueva vida de amor comenzara. Para actuar mejor debemos ver mejor. Está nocion está entrejida en nuestro Pacto Baptismal. Decimos que ‘respetaremos la dignidad de cada ser humano.’ Recuerden que la raíz en Latín de la palabra re-spectar es ‘spectare,’ ver. O ver de nuevo.”

Del Discurso del Obispo Wright al Consejo.