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Episcopal Veterans Fellowship in Georgia

by | Feb 22, 2018

 Tuesday, February 27, 2018  9:00 a.m.  12:00 p.m.  The Cathedral of St. Philip  2744 Peachtree Road Northwest  Atlanta, GA, 30305

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:00 a.m.  12:00 p.m. The Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Road Northwest Atlanta, GA, 30305

Be part of the kick-off for the Episcopal Veterans Fellowship in Georgia. Join with others who feel called to minister to and with veterans and their families.

The Episcopal Veterans Fellowship equips Christians for ministry to veterans through prayer, hospitality, and reconciliation. The EVF offers educational workshops, consulting, and coaching so your church can reach out with God’s love to the veterans who live in your community.

Featured Presenters:

  • The Rev. David Peters, Founder of the Episcopal Veterans Fellowship
  • The Right Reverend Carl Wright, Episcopal Church Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries
  • The Right Reverend Robert Wright, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta