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Vestry Essentials

by | Jan 16, 2018

The Vocational Vestry
When we think of vestry service as a vocation, we transform ourselves from a group of leaders performing important tasks to an invigorated, fulfilled and transformed group that in turn enlivens the congregation and the community at large. In The Vocational Vestry, Alissa Newton provides three ways to start this process.

Five Things Every Vestry Member Should Know
Are you a new vestry member or a long-time veteran? In Five Things Every Vestry Member Should Know, ECF President Donald Romanik shares ideas based on his experience and observations as a vestry member and warden that will speak to you, no matter where you are on your vestry journey.

Vestry Covenants
Does your church leadership team have a vestrycovenant? In Vestry Covenants, Susan Pinkerton explains why a covenant, created and implemented together, is an essential tool for building trust and fostering community among team members.

Top 10
In Top Ten Resources for Vestry Members, Brendon Hunter lists foundational tools and resources that will greatly benefit any new or returning vestry member, and serve as a handy reference while learning about church leadership and serving on the vestry.

If you find this issue of Vestry Papers helpful to your work and ministry, please subscribe to ECF Vital Practices for upcoming issues, blogs and more. We look to you all for new ideas and stories so we can continue to offer church leaders practical resources and tools to respond to the changing needs of the Church. If you have a story to share, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

To learn more about ECF and our programs, please visit our website.

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