The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


by | Sep 29, 2017

Jesus told dangerous stories. Stories about hope founded in God and not the market. Stories about abnormal generosity that commend sharing not accumulation. Religious people were always uncomfortable speaking and listening to Jesus then. Imagine that, uncomfortable about justice and dignity for all. It’s as if they were pinned between two giant boulders. One, of worldly respectability. The other, divine intervention. Must be a terrible thing to be haunted by the suspicion that the world you have contrived is made of fragile glass and God has a hammer in God’s hand. So glad we’re not in any peril like those folks. 

Matthew 21:23-32


Jesús contaba historias peligrosas. Historias sobre la esperanza fundada en Dios y no en el mercado. Historias sobre generosidad anormal que invitan el compartir no la acumulaciόn. La gente religiosa siempre se sentía incomoda hablando y escuchando a Jesús entonces. Imagínate eso, incόmoda sobre la justicia y dignidad para todos. Es como si estuvieran atrapados entre dos rocas gigantes. Una, de respetabilidad mundana. La otra de intervención divina. Debe ser terrible ser perseguido por la sospecha de que el mundo que has inventado está hecho de vidrio frágil y Dios tiene un martillo en la mano. Que felicidad que no estamos en peligro como esas personas.

Mateo 21:23-32