The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Heart & Soul Annual Barbecue at Holy Family Church a Huge Success in Spite of Hurricane Irma

by | Sep 27, 2017

Holy Family Church in Jasper held its Annual Barbecue September 23rd despite damages to the church’s outdoor Pavilion! Hurricane Irma came through Jasper a week before the annual event and did major damage to the church roof and to the Pavilion which normally housed part of the event.

The barbecue was moved inside to the Church’s Conference Center. Holy Family’s volunteers delivered over 100 barbecue lunches to local businesses and served dinner to 200, all to make a difference in local charities like ACES, CARES, Good Samaritan, Boys and Girls Club and Angels on Horseback. Each of these agencies fulfills an important role in their community!

100% of the proceeds will go to these charities! The Resource Ministry will continue the Heart & Soul fundraising theme this year by securing a booth in the upcoming Holiday Market on November 17th & 18th, 2017 at Chattahoochee Tech in Jasper! Please plan to stop by and see the beautiful and artistic creations of church members and supporters.