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All Saints’ Parish is Proud to Announce Its Ninth Rector: The Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring

by | Aug 28, 2017

The Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring has been called to serve as the ninth rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church. Simon is married to Monica, who is also an Episcopal priest, and with whom he has three children: Elliott, 10; Euan, 8; and Annie, 6. Simon is originally from England and was educated at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and Birmingham where he earned a Ph.D. in biblical theology. He comes to All Saints’ from St. Andrew’s By-the-Sea in San Diego, California where he had served as rector for the past seven years. He also served the Diocese of San Diego as dean of studies at the Diocesan School for Ministry and was president of the diocesan standing committee. Simon has ministered in schools, hospitals, and parish churches, and is also the author of two books, a number of journal articles, and his blog God at the Beach. Besides writing, he enjoys time with his family, cycling, painting and cheering on his beloved English soccer team, Tottenham Hotspur. Simon and Monica are thrilled to join the diocesan community in Atlanta.