The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Our Presiding Bishop, The Most Reverend Michael Curry, will visit the Diocese of Atlanta, October 11–13, 2017

by | Aug 16, 2017

Our Presiding Bishop, The Most Reverend Michael Curry, will visit the Diocese of Atlanta, October 11 – 13.  As our Chief Evangelist, Bishop Curry will bring his passion for the Jesus Movement to Atlanta. The events below are open to the public. View the event schedule below:

Bishop Curry Keynote Address at Candler School of Theology

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

This event will include a keynote address by the Presiding Bishop on “Racial Realities and the Beloved Community.” There will also be a panel discussion including the Presiding Bishop Michael Curry; Bishop Wright from the Diocese of Atlanta; Dr. Ellen Ott Marshall from Candler School of Theology; and The Rev. Kim Jackson, Associate Rector at All Saints, Atlanta. This event is open to the public, with registration required by Oct. 9 at

  • 7:00 p.m. Keynote address: “Racial Realities and the Beloved Community”
  • 7:45 p.m. Panel Discussion
  • Venue: Candler School of Theology at Emory University, 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322 See Map


Holy Eucharist with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Friday, October 13, 2017

Presiding Bishop Curry will join us in service, worship, and conversation at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. He will preach at Holy Eucharist. Choir members from parishes throughout the Episcopal Church in Middle and North Georgia will augment the Festival Choir under the direction of St. Luke’s director of music, Arlan Sunnarborg, D.M.A. Learn more

  • 12 p.m. Holy Eucharist: Presiding Bishop Curry to preach; Bishop Wright to celebrate
  • Venue: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 435 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308 See Map
  • Click here to view the livestream


Annual Vergers’ Guild Conference

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Presiding Bishop will give the Keynote Address which will highlight the ministry of the Verger and our part to lead the Church in the Jesus Movement. A long-standing tradition of the MEG Chapter Assembly Meetings, the Bishop gathers the vergers, sits among us, and teaches in the ancient tradition. Some jokingly refer to this as “Stump the Bishop,” but there is a much deeper, intimate feeling to this type of interaction. Formally, this event is called “Dialogue with the Bishop.” Bishop Curry has consented to join in this tradition and it is our fond hope that the events of the day will inspire meaningful exchange, divine meaning, and lasting memories.

  • 2:45 p.m. Keynote Address by Presiding Bishop Curry
  • 3:30 p.m. Bishop’s Forum with assembled Vergers
  • This event is for Vergers who have registered; Clergy may attend the keynote address and Bishop’s Forum
  • Venue: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 435 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308
  • Click here to view the livestream

“Being a Christian is not essentially about joining a church or being a nice person, but about following in the footsteps of Jesus, taking his teachings seriously, letting his Spirit take the lead in our lives, and in so doing helping to change the world from our nightmare into God’s dream.” ― Michael Curry, Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus

What is the Jesus Movement?

We’re following Jesus into loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with the earth.

How do we join?

First, we follow Jesus. We are simply the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, seeking every day to love God with our whole heart, mind and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). Just like Jesus.

What’s our work?

We’re working on simple practices for each priority area – if it’s a Movement, then we should all be able to grasp the ideas and get on board. Then we’re mapping a strategy that inspires and equips all of us to join God and make a difference.


For the Episcopal Church, it calls us to focus on three specific Jesus Movement Priorities: 


Listen for Jesus’ movement in our lives and in the world. Give thanks. Proclaim and celebrate it! Invite the Spirit to do the rest.

  • INSPIRE Episcopalians to embrace evangelism
  • GATHER Episcopal evangelists
  • EQUIP all to be evangelists
  • SEND all as evangelists


Embody the loving, liberating, life-giving way of Jesus with each other

  • TELL the truth about church and race
  • REWRITE the narrative
  • FORM Episcopalians as reconcilers
  • REPAIR & RESTORE institutions & society


Encounter and honor the face of God in creation

  • DEVELOP creation care resources
  • GROW local eco-ministries
  • PURSUE eco-justice at church-wide and local levels
  • CONVENE conversations around climate and faith