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Diocesan Day on Immigration

by | Jul 12, 2017

Amid all of the public turmoil about immigration, how do Christians respond in a way that allows them to live into their baptismal promise to respect the dignity of all persons and the imperative from Jesus to love our neighbor as ourselves?

That is one of many questions participants will wrestle with during an August 30 discussion at The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, N.E, Atlanta, GA 30305. The session, scheduled for 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., is free and open to the public. It will be streamed live at

The event will include presentations by priests and Christian lay leaders from the Atlanta area actively involved in responding to the needs of our immigrant neighbors. Episcopal bishops Robert Wright of the Diocese of Atlanta and Jose McLoughlin of the Diocese of Western North Carolina will provide theological guidance and practical ways Christians can respond to this hotly debated issue. There will also be information on accessing resources for immigrants and how people of faith can best use those resources. This event is free and open to the public. To learn more about the Diocesan Day on Immigration, click here. 


El obispo le da la bienvenida

Es chocante ver a Jesús llamar tonto a un emprendedor de negocios. Considera su vida: pequeños campos se convierten en grandes, pequeños graneros en más grandes. Lucas 12: 13-21 ¿Cómo le llamarías? ¡Jesús le llama tonto! En su búsqueda de MÄS este hombre no consulta a nadie sino a sí mismo. Nunca se detiene a dar gracias a Dios por la cosecha que llena sus graneros. Sus obras no se basan en la gratitud. No desarrolla un plan para compartir la riqueza con los que recogen las cosechas o construyen los graneros. No considera nunca que a su muerte la riqueza no podrá ser transferida a la siguiente realidad. No aprendió nunca que la riqueza es un don y que debemos ser co-constructores del reino de Dios. ¿Jesús socialista? No creo que Jesús se preocupe de un sistema económico o de otro. Para Jesús, se trata siempre del corazón. Se trata siempre de que seamos ricos en Dios. —Obispo Roberto Wright



12:40 PM Registration Opens

1 PM Opening Prayer and Introductions
The Reverend Canon John Bolton, Diocese of Atlanta

1:05 PM Bishop’s View on Immigration in the Diocese of Atlanta
The Right Rev. Robert C. Wright, Bishop of Atlanta

1:20 PM Bishop’s View on Immigration and Sanctuary
The Right Rev. Jose McLoughlin, Bishop of Western North Carolina

1:50 PM Recent Actions on Immigration in the Diocese of Atlanta
The Rev. Caroline Magee, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta
The Rev. Fabio Sotelo, Iglesia de San Beda, Atlanta

2:10 PM Current Legal Proceedings Regarding Immigration
Danielle M. Claffey, Esq., Partner, Kuck Immigration Partners LLC, Atlanta

2:35 PM Questions

2:50 PM Resources for Immigrants and Those Ministering to Immigrants
Archdeacon Juan Sandoval, Diocese of Atlanta

2:55 PM Closing Prayer
The Rev. Canon John Thompson-Quartey, Diocese of Atlanta