The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


by | Jun 9, 2017

Following Jesus is to “Go.” We “Go” with Jesus not as naive do good-ers or bleeding hearts. We “Go” because of God’s power revealed to us in Jesus. We “Go therefore.” Because we have seen and tasted, we worship. Having worshipped, we “Go” into the world with an odd, humble, expeditionary boldness. This power demands we speak back to smallness, separation and indignity. Because of Jesus’ power conferred to us, we don’t give suffering, evil or death the last word. We “Go,” but it is the “therefore” that sustains us. Changes us. Makes the world whole.

Matthew 28:16-20

Por Tanto

Seguir a Jesús es “Ir.” Nosotros “Vamos” con Jesús no como bienaventurados ingenuos o corazones sangrantes. Nosotros “Vamos” por el poder de Dios revelado a nosotros en Jesús. Por tanto, “Vamos.” Porque hemos visto y probado, adoramos. Al haber adorado, nosotros “Vamos” al mundo con un atrevimiento expedicionario, extraño y humilde. Este poder exige que le respondamos a la pequeñez, la separación e indignidad. Por el poder de Jesús conferido a nosotros, no le damos la última palabra al sufrimiento, maldad o muerte. Nosotros “Vamos,” pero es el “por tanto” que nos sostiene. Nos cambia. Hace entero al mundo.

Mateo 28:16-20