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Bread for the World President to Preach

by | Jun 29, 2017

The Rev. Dr. David Beckman, president of Bread for the World, is the featured preacher July 30 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible as a podcast and online at in the Atlanta area tune in to WSB 750 and NEWS 95.5 at 7:05 a.m.

This is the first of two programs on Faith & Global Hunger, updating the acclaimed series from 2010. The Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad will preach on Aug. 6.

Beckman is one of the foremost U.S. advocates for hungry and poor people. He has been president of Bread for the World, a U.S. Christian advocacy movement to end hunger, since 1991. He is also president of Bread for the World Institute, which provides policy analysis on hunger and strategies to end it. He founded and serves as president of the Alliance to End Hunger, which engages diverse U.S. institutions in building the political will to end hunger. Prior to joining Bread for the World he worked at the World Bank overseeing large development projects and driving innovations to make the bank more effective in reducing poverty. 

A Lutheran pastor as well as an economist, Beckman earned degrees from Yale University, Christ Seminary, and the London School of Economics. In 2010, he was named World Food Prize laureate. In 2014, he was awarded the Community of Christ’s International Peace Award and the Rumi Forum Peace and Dialogue Award. His latest book is “Exodus from Hunger: We Are Called to Change the Politics of Hunger.”

Beckman’s sermon, “How God Can Use Us to End Hunger,” focuses on the parable of the mustard seed and the parable of yeast found in Matthew 13:31-33. Beckman says, “In today’s gospel lesson Jesus says that God will use our efforts, however modest they seem, to achieve God’s purposes in ways that we cannot now imagine.” 

The program includes interviews with Beckman conducted by Wallace, who is also executive producer. 

“Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 72 years, formerly as “The Protestant Hour.” Featuring outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, “Day 1” is currently distributed to more than 220 radio stations across America and overseas and via various podcast platforms. The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media, based in Atlanta, Ga. For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check the program’s website,

The national weekly ecumenical radio program produced by the Alliance for Christian Media
Contact: Peter Wallace, or Ethel Ware Carter, 404-815-0258, ext.