The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Steps to Lead 2017

by | Jun 13, 2017

The weekend of June 2-4, 5 adults and 15 youth representing 12 of our parishes traveled to Isle of Palms for the inaugural Steps to Lead. Steps to Lead is a Youth Leadership Retreat and the newest module of leadership training in the Diocese of Atlanta. The adults included Bishop Wright, Youth Missioner Easton Davis, Leadership Professor Mary Hooper, Monika Wiley, and Keith Dumke. Together, each adult played a vital role in guiding the 15 high schoolers through the weekend.

Over the course of the weekend, our young people learned many things about leadership and were given the opportunity to define the next steps they would take in their lives to lead where they felt called. This was the first step in offering our youth a real opportunity to go back into their lives and congregations and make a larger difference.