The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Diocese of Atlanta Communications and Design Honored by Multiple Organizations

by | May 4, 2017

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta has been recognized for its communications, marketing, and design efforts from four professional organizations, including Episcopal Communicators, the Religion Communicators Council,  the Atlanta chapter of the American Marketing Association, and the Hermes Creative Awards.

At this year’s Polly Bond Awards for Excellence in Communication held in Cincinnati, Ohio in April, Episcopal Communicators presented our diocese with eight Polly Bond Awards including four awards of excellence, two awards of merit, and two honorable mentions. Pathways Magazine, an annual publication from the diocese, received awards for feature writing, photography, and visual layout for its story on Bearings Bike Shop. The diocese’s email newsletter, Connecting, received an award of excellence for Best Digital Periodical.

The social media efforts of the diocese were also recognized at this year’s Polly Bond Awards. The diocese earned awards of excellence for its Facebook post related to suicide prevention, Instagram post featuring one of Bishop Wright’s weekly For Faiths, and for Integrated Social Media Presence.

Both Pathways and Connecting, the news and events website of the diocese, were created by Green Gate Marketing, an Atlanta-based marketing agency the diocese partnered with in 2016 to revitalize its marketing and communications strategy. Green Gate also manages the social media and web presence of the diocese.   
“This recognition from Episcopal Communicators is a wonderful honor for the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta,” the Rev. Bishop Robert Wright said. “Green Gate has helped us develop a communications strategy that speaks to our purpose. Most importantly, our call to love like Jesus has been heard beyond the walls of the church. We are thrilled.”
Green Gate Marketing founder and CEO, Katherine Branch, traveled to Cincinnati to receive these awards from Episcopal Communicators for work done on behalf of the diocese.
“Our belief that empathy and emotional connection are the foundations of effective marketing is the driving force behind the work we create for the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta,” Branch said. “Whether we’re developing stories for Pathways or producing a video to share on social media, our aim is to create messaging that inspires and motivates people to live the purpose of the diocese.”

The Religious Communicators Council (RCC) also recognized the work of Green Gate Marketing at its annual convention held March 30 – April 1 in Chicago. Pathways earned Best in Class designations in the categories of Graphic Design, Art and Photography, and Writing for Publication. The annual publication also received an Award of Excellence in the Periodicals; Single Issue category, while Connecting received a merit award for digital communications.

Pathways also earned four platinum and gold awards at the 2017 Hermes Creative Awards, and the Atlanta chapter of the American Marketing Association recognized the diocese as one of three finalists in the Visual Branding — B2C category at this year’s Atlanta Marketer of the Year Awards (AMY) ceremony held in March. The rebranding of the diocese, which was led by Branch’s team at Green Gate Marketing, consisted of logo creation, the creation and launch of the news and events website Connecting, and implementation of a new, integrated social media strategy. Pathways was also a finalist in the Direct Mail Marketing category at this year’s AMY Awards. 

Both Bishop Wright and Branch expressed their excitement for what lies ahead for the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Branch and her team are already working on this year’s issue of Pathways, and are working to redesign the diocese’s website.

“Challenging ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually begins with our messaging,” the Rev. Bishop Wright said. “Having an integrated communications strategy in place will be the key to our diocese fulfilling its purpose.”  

Polly Bond Awards at the Episcopal Communicator Conference

Category: Visual Arts: Photography
Honorable Mention: “Man’s Best Friend”

Category: Social Media: Instagram Post
Award of Excellence: For Faith

Category: Writing: Feature
Honorable Mention: Bearings Bike Shop

Category: Social Media: Facebook Post
Award of Excellence: Suicide Prevention

Category: Visual Arts: Layout (Front Page/Spread)
Award of Merit: Pathways: Bearings Bike Shop

Category: General Excellence: Integrated Social Media Presence
Award of Excellence: Diocese of Atlanta Social Media

Category: Video: Short-Form (Contracted)
Award of Merit: Easter and Joy

Category: General Excellence: Best Digital Periodical (Diocese/Organization)
Award of Excellence: Connecting Newsletter

2017 Atlanta Marketer of the Year (AMY) Awards

Category: Direct Mail Marketing (2 or 3 dimensional printed mailing)
Finalist: Pathways Magazine

Category: Visual Branding – B2C
Finalist: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Rebrand

Religious Communicators Council (RCC)

Category: Graphic Design, Art and Photography
Best of Class 2017: Pathways Magazine

Category: Writing for Publication
Best of Class 2017: Pathways Magazine

Category: Periodicals; Single Issue
Excellence: Pathways Magazine

Category: Digital Communications; Website
Merit: Connecting Website

Hermes Creative Awards

Category: Magazine
Platinum: Pathways magazine

Category: Publication Overall
Platinum: Pathways publication

Category: Logo
Gold: Logo – Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Category: Publication
Gold: Pathways photography

Category: Publication Article
Honorable Mention: “Building Connections: Bearings Bike Shop” – Pathways