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St. Aidan’s Acolyte Recognition Sunday

by | May 12, 2017

This is the third year that the acolyte parents have switched places with their children on Acolyte Sunday..officially making this a St. Aidan’s tradition

On Sunday, May 7th St. Aidan’s celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Acolyte Recognition Sunday.  It is a day to honor all of the children that serve in their acolyte ministry with special honors awarded to children reaching the five year service milestone and to those being promoted to Master Acolyte.

There are currently 57 active youth acolytes that serve at St. Aidan’s. But almost all of them get a break on Acolyte Sunday turning their jobs over to their parents. It’s a chance for many of the parents to serve as acolytes for the first time in their lives and for other to resume duties well recalled from their childhood acolyte days. More than 25 acolyte parents – and even one grandparent – served as crucifers, torch bearers, Gospel Book and banner bearers, altar servers and bell ringers having been taught the intricacies of these responsibilities by the children.