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Shereetha Jackson Involved in Upcoming Dismantling Racism Ventures

by | Apr 7, 2017

Shereetha Jackson is a member of the Commission for Dismantling Racism and a Fellow for the Commission in the Justice Ministry Education Program at Auburn Seminary and the following are three of the upcoming ventures with which she is involved:

Legacy Project
The Legacy Project is an idea based on 3C’s (Concept, Collaboration, and Connection) which, ideally, will lead to the biggest C of all–Change for the better. Currently, Sheeretha has partnered with Posts for Peace and Justice to develop a two day workshop targeting youth and young adults within the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, other interfaith communities, and local nonprofits. She is a Fellow for the Commission (under the Justice Ministry Education program at Auburn Seminary) and the Youth Ministry Coordinator for Church of the Epiphany.

FTE Christian Leadership Forum
Sheeretha Jackson recently received the news that she has been selected to join over 50 other young adult leaders at the Forum for Theological Exploration’s (FTE) Christian Leadership Forum May 31-June 3 in Atlanta, GA. During this time she will engage with leaders from diverse communities and organizations from across the US and Canada, while also exchanging ideas and connecting with a community of peers.

This year’s theme is “Lead Change for Good.” Below are some of the featured speakers and workshop leaders for the event:

  • René August, The Warehouse, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Heber Brown, Pleasant Hope Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Ched Myers, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries, Oak View, California
  • Alexia Salvatierra, Hope Lutheran Church, Hollywood, California
  • Janet Wolf, Children’s Defense Fund, Nashville, Tennessee
  • And many more!

Lift Every Voice
This will be an opportunity for Shereetha Jackson to share the Dismantling Racism Youth Curriculum that Commissions on Youth and Dismantling Racism are currently developing. LEV is a three-year ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina for youth and young adults, a ministry designed to revisit the historical truths of slavery and the Civil Rights movement in North Carolina and Apartheid in South Africa.
The event will be held July 21-July 25. To read more about this, click here.

To learn more about the Commission for Dismantling Racism, click here.