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A New Approach to Dismantling Racism Training

Mar 31, 2017

Beginning in 2017, the Commission will be working even harder to encourage as much diversity as possible in each training session. Though we will continue the current practice of asking parishes to host a training day, we will limit the number of persons who can participate in each session from any given parish to seven. We have made this change so as many parishioners from around the diocese as possible experience the richness of getting out of their home parishes and enjoying the blessings of making their circle a bit wider.

Therefore, parishes will continue to be asked to host a day’s training and to provide the morning refreshments and lunch when they host. We will work diligently to keep the enrollment in a training day around 21 with no more than seven people coming from any individual parish. We hope that getting good participation from the churches located in the same convocation may come from outside of the particular convocation of the hosting parish. We want to make the training days as accessible as possible in 2017.

Also, we intend to schedule enough sessions so that all of the needs that exist for search committees, vestry members, and others to receive the required day of training will be met in a timely fashion.

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Learn more about Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism here.