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Higginbotham Part of The New Contemplative Exchange

by | Mar 13, 2017

Fr. Stuart Higginbotham, of Grace Church, Gainesville, has recently been invited to participate in The New Contemplatives Exchange, a global network for contemplative studies and practice. This invitation comes from Thomas Keating (Contemplative Outreach), Tilden Edwards (The Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation), Richard Rohr (The Center for Action and Contemplation), and Laurence Freeman (The World Community for Christian Meditation). Stuart and seventeen other contemplative scholars and practitioners from around the world — all in their 30s and 40s — will join the four Founders at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, CO, in mid-August.  The overall vision of The New Contemplative Exchange is to “awaken a larger embrace and expansion of Christian contemplative understanding and practice as the vital grounding of Christian life, with openness to collaboration with all streams of contemplative wisdom, in response to the urgent social and spiritual needs of our time.”  

Fr. Stuart hopes that the ongoing work of the Exchangers, with published articles, books, and gatherings, can help foster a dialogue and network within the Diocese of Atlanta as well.  There are early plans for gatherings in our Diocese for those who would find it helpful, challenging, and encouraging to have a fellowship of clergy and laity focused on exploring the ways contemplative practices ground our ministry and life.  More information should be forthcoming.