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Register for the 2017 Missional Voices National Gathering

by | Feb 20, 2017

When: Friday-Saturday, April 21-22, 2017
Where: Virginia Theological Seminary (Alexandria, Va.)
Cost: $99 (includes meals); free to current seminarians

The 2017 Missional Voices National Gathering brings together church leaders, seminarians, church planters, entrepreneurs, artists, and everyday innovators to discuss innovative ministries and missional communities both within and outside of the traditional church context.
Andy Doyle and Becca Stevens keynote the 2017 gathering, with additional talks by Nancy Frausto, Tim & Kirsten Baer, and Tamara Plummer. The weekend also includes panel discussions featuring theologians, diocesan missioners, and parish clergy.
Missional Voices is a weekend of thinking, planning, and dreaming about the future ministry in The Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. It is a place where dynamic incubation of new ideas is the norm – not the exception – and where people doing uncommon ministry find support and encouragement.
Register today and join the conversation!

Register here.

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