The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


by | Feb 15, 2017

During the season of Lent, there are many ways individuals or groups can expand their understanding of what God calls us do and to deepen our relationship with God.


For Faith
Make part of your Lenten practice reading Bishop Wright’s weekly devotional, For Faith. It is published each Friday on our Connecting website and on Facebook. It is also sent out via email (subscribe here).

The Bishop’s messages will be centered on ways in which “We” can reflect on ourselves, our relationship with God and how we interact with the world around us. When we reflect and take the time to examine it all, we gain insight and understanding. We then become ready to accept the challenge of Loving Like Jesus and challenging the world to do the same.

Living Well Through Lent 2017
Published by Living Compass
This book is  “Designed for use as an individual reflection and study, small groups, a congregational Lenten program, and/or a retreat, Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind provides a foundation to help us explore a deeper connection between faith and our capacity to listen to God. Each Sunday in this 80-page guide offers a reflection written by a featured writer; and every other day of the week begins with a scripture or quote, followed by a reflection, and an invitation to record any thoughts, feelings, or insights.”

2017 Lenten Meditations
Published by Episcopal Relief & Development
“This booklet encourages readers to actively seek the holy every day during Lent by reflecting on God’s call, their own lives and how they can live out their Baptismal Covenant by healing a hurting world.”  

The booklet can be ordered in packs of 25 for groups or downloaded as a PDF. You can also sign up here to receive daily emails. March 5 is Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday.

The Go Guide
Authors:  The Right Rev. Robert C. Wright and the Rev. Donna Mote, Diocese of Atlanta
“How can twenty-first century Christians engage the world as Jesus did? What does it look like to be the Church in the world? Who are we as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement? Where is it the Church should go and how and with and to whom? And why?” The guide addresses “these and other questions for the Church going into the world…”  It is based on “ten principles for innovations in ministry drawn from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 10.”

The book is available at the Cathedral Book Store or on Amazon, for about $7. Podcasts of discussions by co-authors Bishop Wright and the Rev. Mote – “The Go Guide Road Show” – can be found here.

The Rev. Mote will be leading a Lenten Wednesday night series discussing The Go Guide at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church Food For Thought and Spirit


Lenten Quiet Day Embodying Loving-kindness: Yoga and Prayer
The Julian of Norwich Center, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church
Saturday, March 4, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Retreat for a Day
Candler School of Theology
Saturday, March 4, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Journey to the Heart:  A Christian Meditation Retreat
DuBose Conference Center – Monteagle, Tennessee
Friday, March 10 through Sunday, March 12


Lent Madness 
A unique Lenten devotion:  Who Will Win the Golden Halo?  A fun way to learn more about the lives of the men and women comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints.