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Ordinations at the Cathedral of St. Philip

by | Dec 20, 2017

Bishop Wright ordained six individuals to the Sacred Order of Deacons. Being ordained as a Transitional Deacon is the initial step toward ordination as a priest, usually about six months later. The ordination service was held at the Cathedral of St. Philip on December 16, 2017.

The following people were ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons:

Gregoria Betances

Irma Nohemi Guerra

Kyle Christopher Mackey

Amy Dills-Moore

Melanie Gibson Rowell

Kenya Angela Thompson

Two of the new transitional deacons, Gregoria Betances and Irma Nohemi Guerra, are “home grown,” the first to be educated in the Diocese Centro de Educación Teológica para Latinos (CETLA), the Theological Education Center for Latinos. The CETLA program provides foundational education for lay leaders in our Hispanic worshiping communities. Further information on the Diocese’s Hispanic Ministries can be found here